Tkinter Examples
Tkinter Widgets


tkinter offers numerous widgets that allow your users to interact with your application in a variety of ways.

- [Checkbutton](checkbutton) - A toggleable button which can hold a binary value. - [RadioButton](radiobutton) - Allows the user to choose a selection amongst multiple options - [Entry](entry) - Accepts input from the user in the form of text boxes - [Combobox](combobox) - A drop-down containing a preset list of options to choose from - [Listbox](listbox) - Displays items in a list, allowing for multiselect, as in a file dialog - [Scrollbar](scrollbar) - A scrollbar that allows the user to see more of the containing element - [Text](text) - A textbox which allows for multi-line input - [Scale](scale) - A slider that can be oriented horizontally or vertically. - [Spinbox](spinbox) - Allows the user to choose from items in a list, with an up / down control - [Progressbar](progressbar) - Displays the progress of an operation in the UI